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Dear Maria Kleanthous PAET
IATEFL is currently inviting applications for positions on the IATEFL Publications Committee and the IATEFL Membership and Marketing Committee.

Publications Committee
The Publications Committee is one of the IATEFL Executive Committees. Its primary goal is to set and implement a short and medium-term publications strategy for the association. They work with the editors of Voices and Conference Selections with the aim of ensuring quality standards and IATEFL branding and to oversee the production of the monthly IATEFL eBulletin, co-moderate the IATEFL blog, as well as provide assistance with ELTJ liaison and the production of SIG newsletters, books and blogs.
Committee member Roy Bicknell, who manages the production of the eBulletin, will reach the end of his two terms of office at the Liverpool conference. Current committee member Vicky Saumell has agreed to continue for a further three-year term and will take over the production of the eBulletin. We are now looking for two dynamic and enthusiastic volunteers to join the committee to manage the production of the IATEFL blog and to provide additional support on IATEFL publications in the future.
Please click on this link to see a full job description and further information on the role.

The application form can be found here.
Please note the application deadline is 12pm (UK time) on Tuesday 19 February 2019.

Membership and Marketing Committee
The Membership and Marketing Committee is one of the IATEFL Executive Committees, entrusted with helping to develop the association’s marketing strategy, as well as membership issues such as satisfaction, benefits, recruitment and retention. 

The committee are currently looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic volunteer who will mainly be focusing on research/surveys carried out by Market Research working party, as well as be involved in other aspects of the committee.
Please find further information about the position and details of how to apply here.

Please note that application deadline is 4pm (UK time) on Friday 1 March 2019.

We look forward to receiving your application.

With best wishes
IATEFL Publications Committee & IATEFL Membership and Marketing Committee
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